2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference &
11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference
“Accelerating Ocean Science Solutions for Sustainable Development”
Bangkok, Thailand, 22 – 25 April 2024

Presenters interested in publishing their papers are encouraged to submit them to the following journals, which have expressed their interest to feature papers presented during the conference in their upcoming issues.
Please note that the Conference Organizing Committee does not guarantee the acceptance of papers submitted to the recommended journals. The final decision regarding the acceptance of papers will be made at the sole discretion of the respective journal editors and reviewers.
Applied Environmental Research (AER)
Applied Environmental Research is an international peer-reviewed journal freely available online. The journal is published quarterly by the Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University.
The journal’s focus areas are environmental science and engineering, environmental studies, environmental management, environmental pollution, hazardous substance and chemical management, natural resources management, climate change and other interdisciplinary environmental issues.
To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions on
For more information, please visit the journal website at

Journal of Fisheries and Environment (JFE)
The Journal of Fisheries and Environment, formerly known as Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin, is published by the Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed research in English, including original research articles and reviews. The Journal of Fisheries and Environment is published three times per year (January-April, May-August, September-December).
The Journal publishes all disciplines within fisheries and aquatic environmental sciences, including fishery management, fishery biology, fishery products, aquaculture, and marine science.
To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions on
For more information, please visit the journal website at

Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin (PMBC Res. Bull.)
PMBC Research Bulletin was established in1968 as a result of co-operation between the governments of Thailand and Denmark. Its objectives are to carry out research with regard to marine science and to promote training and education of students and scientists.
PMBC Research Bulletin publishes the results of all aspects of marine research carried out in Thai and adjacent waters. The Bulletin is a peer-reviewed publication which is issued once a year. External referees are used in cases where submitted manuscripts are outside the research fields of editorial and advisory editorial boards.
To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions on
For more information, please visit the journal website at

Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics
Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics is an open-access international journal intended to publish peer-reviewed, original research on pollutants of emerging concern in both the natural and anthropogenic water cycles and their effects on the ecosystems and human health.
The journal publishes research articles, reviews, systematic reviews, short communications, commentaries, editorials, letters to the Editor and perspectives. The full Aims and Scope could be accessed from https://www.oaepublish.com/wecn/aims_and_scope.
To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions on https://www.oaepublish.com/wecn/author_instructions
For more information, please visit the journal website at

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (J. Mar. Sci. Eng.)
The Journal of Marine Science and Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on marine science and engineering, published monthly online by MDPI. The journal is indexed by SCIE, Scopus and other professional databases.
The subject areas include, but not limited to, marine biology, marine biodiversity, marine genomics, marine ecology, marine resources, marine chemistry, marine environment, marine biotechnology, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, geological oceanography, physical oceanography, ocean engineering, and
To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions on https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jmse/instructions
For more information, please visit the journal website at