2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference &
11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference
“Accelerating Ocean Science Solutions for Sustainable Development”
Bangkok, Thailand, 22 – 25 April 2024

First batch of recipients for travel grant!
(updated on 2 January 2024)
We are pleased to announce the first batch of recipients for the WESTPAC Travel Grant 2024 to facilitate their engagement in the Decade Regional Conference &11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference!
The selection results were made with a priority given to our early career ocean professionals including postgraduate students in the region. We thank all session conveners for their valuable recommendations and suggestions.
For any inquiries, please contact iocwestpac@unesco.org with a copy to n.saransuth@unesco.org.
Congratulations! We look forward to your wonderful presentations in April 2024!
No. | Family Name | Given Name | Scientific session | Full Title of the presentation | Approved financial support |
1 | Wu | Baolan | A1: Unveil the Kuroshio and its role in climate and ocean: Observational and modelling perspectives on multi-scale variability and multi-disciplinary aspects of the Kuroshio | Long-term Variation of the Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Northeastern South China Sea modulated by the enhanced Kuroshio Looping Pathway | Airfare |
2 | Anutaliya | Arachaporn | A2: Western Pacific Marginal Seas: Physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystem | 18 years of the upper Gulf of Thailand observations: physical and chemical properties | Meals |
3 | Nadezhda | Lipinskaya | A2: Western Pacific Marginal Seas: Physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystem | Scenarios for water transport from the Tyumen River to marine economic and protected areas based on field measurements, satellite data, ROMS modeling and Lagrangian analysis | Full support |
4 | Wahyudi | A’an Johan | A2: Western Pacific Marginal Seas: Physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystem | Detecting terrestrial organic carbon contribution to the shelf sea dissolved organic matter using deuterium stable isotope signatures | Full support |
5 | Febriani | Choerunnisa | A3: Advance the understanding of Marine Heatwaves and their impacts | Marine Heatwave During the El Niño Southern Oscillation Based on Satellite Derived in the Banda Sea | Full support |
6 | Francisco | Rachel | A3: Advance the understanding of Marine Heatwaves and their impacts | Comparative Analysis of Marine Heatwave (MHW) and Degree Heating Week (DHW) and its applicability to Philippine Seas | Full support |
7 | Bui | Thi Ngoc Oanh | A4: Ocean environmental and climate changes in the past: High and low latitude connections in the Asian Continental Margins | Dynamics of dissolved methane and organic matter in water in the Chukchi Sea summertime in 2015 and 2016 | Airfare |
8 | Tito | Camellia | A5: Sediment source-to-sink processes responding to rapid climate change | Multi-annual change of Jakarta Bay’s carbonate system | Airfare |
9 | Pratama | Khafid Rizki | A6: Climate variability in the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent (IPMC): Understanding impacts on atmosphere-ocean dynamics | Impact of Indonesia Throughflow on Tropical Cyclone Genesis in the Banda Sea | Local accommodation |
10 | Segumalian | Christine | B1: Biogeography and dispersal of marine life in the Western Pacific | Species distribution modelling of octocorals within the Asia–Pacific region | Full support |
11 | Adi Winata | Victor | B1: Biogeography and dispersal of marine life in the Western Pacific | Comparison of diversity of marine fish in Bali Strait and Sempu Strait-East Java based on Environmental DNA: implication to sustainable fishery | Full support |
12 | Abadiano | Aubrey Jacklynn | B2: Systematics, Taxonomy, and Phylogenetics of Marine Life in the Western Pacific | Diversity of octocoral species in Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) influenced sites in Mabini and Tingloy, Batangas, Philippines | Full support |
13 | Pratama | Gregorius Altius | B2: Systematics, Taxonomy, and Phylogenetics of Marine Life in the Western Pacific | The cryptic diversity of the genus Andrometra (Echinodermata, Crinoidea, Antedonidae): taxonomic importance of cirri and arm ossicles | Airfare |
14 | Fortaleza | Maybelle | B2: Systematics, Taxonomy, and Phylogenetics of Marine Life in the Western Pacific | Species diversity of marine fishes in the Sulu Archipelago, Philippines: Building a DNA barcode reference library at the heart of Coral Triangle | Airfare |
15 | Long | Ying | B3: Vulnerability of the coral reef ecosystem towards extreme environmental fluctuations | A Comprehensive Experiment on the Physiological Responses of Coral to Low Oxygen Conditions | Airfare |
16 | Ramli | Haidhar Almatin | B3: Vulnerability of the coral reef ecosystem towards extreme environmental fluctuations | Interactive Effects of Seawater Acidification and Nutrients Enrichment on Early Planulae Stages of Coral Acropora digitifera from Pulau Bidong, Terengganu, Malaysia. | Full support |
17 | Baure | Jerwin | B4: Coral reef resilience to climate change and human impacts | Changes in the multi-species fishery production of commercially important nearshore marine invertebrates in Bolinao, Pangasinan after 30 years (1992-2023) | Full support |
18 | Yu | Hai Ping | B4: Coral reef resilience to climate change and human impacts | Symbiodiniaceae Diversity hosted by Palythoa tuberculosa of Adjacent Ecoregions – The Straits of Malacca and South China Sea: Environmental and Climate Change Perspectives | Full support |
19 | Baring | Myron Gavriel | B5: Fisheries, biodiversity and dynamics of Mangroves’ aquatic ecosystem | Typhoon Damage Assessment of Natural and Planted Mangroves in Bais Bay, Negros Oriental, Philippines | Full support |
20 | Islam | Md Jayedul | B5: Fisheries, biodiversity and dynamics of Mangroves’ aquatic ecosystem | Building a DNA barcode library of brackish and marine water fishes of Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove ecosystem | Full support |
21 | Enova | Ann Elizabeth | C1: Marine chemical Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) | Modeling Pharmaceutical Contaminant Transport in an Urban Coastal Estuarine System using DELFT3D-FLOW: The Case of Manila Bay Philippines | Full support |
22 | Borovkova | Aleksandra | C1: Marine chemical Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) | POPs in Pacific Salmon from the Russian Part of the Northwest Pacific (Russian Far East) | Meals |
23 | Manullang | Corry Yanti | C2: Source, transport, fate, impacts and mitigation strategies of marine plastics and microplastics | Vertical Distribution of Microplastic Along the Main Gate of Indonesian Throughflow Pathways | Full support |
24 | Paler | Maria Kristina | C2: Source, transport, fate, impacts and mitigation strategies of marine plastics and microplastics | Macroplastics Flux and Accumulation in a Mangrove Environment | Airfare |
25 | Le | Hung Phu | C2: Source, transport, fate, impacts and mitigation strategies of marine plastics and microplastics | Microplastics in sandy beaches in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam | Local accomodation |
26 | Uthaipan | Khanittha | C3: Deoxygenation in the Western Pacific: Implications for coastal and open ocean ecosystems | Socioeconomic Drivers of Eutrophication and Deoxygenation in the Linked System of the Central Plain of Thailand and the Upper Gulf of Thailand | Full support |
27 | Hamzah | Faisal | C3: Deoxygenation in the Western Pacific: Implications for coastal and open ocean ecosystems | Signatures and Variations of Oxygen-Depleted Waters along the Sumatra-Java Coasts in the Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean | Full support |
28 | Sotto | Lara | C3: Deoxygenation in the Western Pacific: Implications for coastal and open ocean ecosystems | Deoxygenation in Manila Bay, Philippines: hydrodynamic and water quality modeling | Full support |
29 | Maryjune | Cabiguin | C4: Ocean acidification and its impacts on marine ecosystems | Independent and combined effect of low pH and elevated temperature of a non-native and native mussel species in the Philippines | Full support |
30 | Xu | Yingze | C5: Mitigation and management of Harmful Algal Blooms | The economic analysis of harmful algal bloom (HAB) management: A case study | Local accommodation |
31 | Mohd Azmi | Nur Fatihah | C5: Mitigation and management of Harmful Algal Blooms | Unprecedented bloom of a harmful marine dinoflagellates Tripos furca (Dinophyceae) at the aquaculture area of Penang, Malaysia | Airfare |
32 | Liu | Yang | C6: Marine toxins and seafood safety | A latest noticeable phenomena in widespread dispersal of lipophilic marine phycotoxins in the representative tropical coral reef areas, China | Local accommodation |
33 | Karunarathne | Krishan | C7: Harmful Jellyfish In the Southeast Asian Region: Networking Across the Oceans | Jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Medusozoa) reported from the first-ever systematic jellyfish survey carried out in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka | Full support |
34 | Purba | Noir | D1: Ocean observing technology and systems in the Indo-Pacific: major advances and challenges | A framework of Integrating Low-Cost Ocean Observation Instruments for Developing Countries | Full support |
35 | Madariaga | Vic Lorence | D2: Advanced molecular technologies in marine ecosystem research | Comparative heat stress response of the two growth morphs of the blue coral, Heliopora coerulea | Local accomodation |
36 | Abdul Manaff | Aini Hannani Naqiah | D2: Advanced molecular technologies in marine ecosystem research | Taxonomic composition of microalgae and distribution of HAB species in Malaysian coastal waters (South China Sea) using eDNA metabarcoding analysis | Airfare |
37 | Shao | Xinlei | D3: Satellite and airborne remote sensing techniques for marine ecosystem monitoring and management | Deep learning for multi-label classification of coral conditions in the Indo-Pacific via underwater photogrammetry | Airfare |
38 | Choo | Jenny Cheng Yi | D3: Satellite and airborne remote sensing techniques for marine ecosystem monitoring and management | Remote sensing observation and analysis of water clarity in tropical coastal waters in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. | Airfare |
39 | Alodia | Gabriella | D4: Deep-sea exploration and research in the Western Pacific | Fault identification at the Flores Sea using multibeam bathymetry and potential data | Airfare |
40 | Janer | Denise Faye | D4: Deep-sea exploration and research in the Western Pacific | Submarine landslide events on Benham Bank, Philippines, West Pacific | Local accomodation |
41 | Dirgantara | Feisal | D5: Gas hydrates and methane fluxes in the Indo-Pacific region | BSRs-derived thermal properties in the deepwater basin of Southern Makassar Strait, Indonesia | Full support |
42 | Stepochkin | Igor | D5: Gas hydrates and methane fluxes in the Indo-Pacific region | Utilizing SWIR Spectral Channels in Passive Satellite Remote Sensing Scanners for Detecting Methane Plumes on the Sea Surface. | Airfare |
Application Deadline for Travel Grant: 12 December 2023 (Bangkok Time)
Financial support will be available for a limited number of participants, especially for students (undergraduates and postgraduates) and Early Career Ocean Professionals, ECOP (under 35 years old as of 22 April 2024) from developing countries in the WESTPAC region. Application for partial support, either airfare or local expenditure only, will be strongly encouraged.
Applications for financial support will be evaluated on the basis of the submitted abstracts, self-description and geographical distribution. The organizers reserve the right to select the participants to be supported.
Students and ECOP participants seeking a travel grant for the Scientific Sessions and Special Forum are required to indicate their intention in the Application Form for Travel Grant.
Students and ECOP participants who apply for travel grants for the Decade Action Incubators and Decade Action Workshops should complete the Application Form for Travel Grant.