2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference &
11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference
“Accelerating Ocean Science Solutions for Sustainable Development”
Bangkok, Thailand, 22 – 25 April 2024

Foreign participants who need to apply for an entry visa to travel in Thailand are advised to start the application procedure as early as possible at the nearest Visa Office of the Thai Embassy or Consulate in the country/state in which you reside. Please note that Visa on Arrival (VoA) and Visa exemption are only valid for tourism purposes. For attendants of international workshops or seminars, Non-Immigrant Visa is required. For more information, please visit the Thai Embassy or Consulate website in your country.
Holders of diplomatic or official passports from specific countries may enter Thailand without a visa. For a list of eligible countries, kindly refer to this link.
To request an invitation letter, please send an email to the conference secretariat at iocwestpac2024.letter@gmail.com including a copy of your passport as an attachment.